Louisville Tropical Fish Fanciers

The Louisville Tropical Fish Fanciers have been building the local area hobby for the past 60 years.


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About Us

About LTFF

The Louisville Tropical Fish Fanciers, Inc. is a non-profit society of hobbyists interested in the keeping of tropical fish and plants. It is the area’s only all variety aquarium club covering tropical and cold fresh-water, brackish, and marine fish in aquaria and outdoor ponds.

Founded in 1959 by the late Discus breeder Art Hayley, the club has enjoyed a long history of service to the hobby and continues to receive great support from manufacturers and distributors of aquarium products. Members’ interests and expertise range from African Cichlids to Ornamental Goldfish. LTFF, Inc. is a society member of the Federation of American Aquarium Societies and individual members are also members of various specialized societies and study groups.


Featured Events


FEB 9 - 3PM

Matt Bielski - Grand Master Breeder, Michiana Aquarium Society


What We Do


We promote tropical, freshwater, brackish, and marine fish keeping.


We encourage a wide variety of aquatic plant material to grow and share with other hobbyist.

Water Quality

We monitor water quality locally and keep other aquarist informed of changing conditions.


We work with local government to ensure conservation of native species.

ACA Guy Jordan Research Fund

Adopt & Foster

Our club has dozens of local members with hundreds of aquariums. If you can no longer care for your fish, but would like to find a new home, we could help. Please contact us with your information and what type of fish you have and we’ll see what we can do to assist you.


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